Ceramics 1

This is the Langston Hughes High School Ceramics blog. Check here for assignments and links. Post appropriately!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pinch Pots VVJ#1

Use the links below to view the work of Deanna Molinaro and Wesley Anderegg. They both use the pinch method to create their work.

A. Choose one image by each and either print or sketch it in your VVJ. Be sure to 1. Include their name for future reference, 2. A sentence describing how their work looks, and 3. A sentence describing what their work means or is about. (25pts)

B. Sketch 3 ideas for monsters that you would like to create in clay. Number them and then circle the best one. (25pts)

Total 50 pts

Welcome to Ceramics 1

Please post a comment so that I know you can. I will be occasionally assigning grades based on posts to this blog. I will give 25 pts to everyone who posts here.